There's something to be said about games that ask you continually tapor
click on the same thing in order to play. They're undeniablyaddictive,
but you have to admit they're also extremely fun. FromCookie Clicker to
Bitcoin Billionaire, they're varied too, even if youdon't actually have
to do much of anything when you play them. Checkout these one-click
greats for some fast fun the next time you findyourself hankering for
some simple excitement.
Bitcoin Billionaire
we reviewed Bitcoin Billionaire and sang its praises as anexcellent
amalgam of simple gameplay and addictive elements. Yousimply sit and
mine Bitcoin, although of course you can't use it inthe real world. That
doesn't stop you from very quickly amassing afortune as you tap your
way into the high life. Its throwback pixelgraphics and retro aesthetic
are a big draw, especially for playerswho grew up in that era, and given
its topical nature (who hasn'ttried mining Bitcoin this year and last?)
it's becoming a real hit onthe App Store. It may be silly and more than
a little bitone-dimensional, but once you get started it's almost
guaranteed thatyou'll be unable to help yourself. Just one more click!
Cookie Clicker
there technically wasn't a mobile version of the game that tookthe
internet by storm, it worked surprisingly well on any smartphonewith a
web browser. But then the mobile gods smiled upon us andprovided us with
an app that could keep the clicking party going...onthe go! Your goal?
Keep clicking on an image of a cookie until thecows come home. You'll
laugh. You'll cry. You'll wonder why you'vespent so much time clicking
on a picture of a sugary treat. But don'tworry. You can earn power-ups
and other goodies as you make your waythrough, and that alone is a good
reason to keep playing. You reallyjust need to forget the fact that
you're incessantly clicking on abaked good. Let go of the stigma. Only
then is when you'll trulyprogress. Don't be ashamed, we've wasted an
unruly amount of time aswell.
Virtual Stapler
me, I believe you have my stapler? Well, excuse us. We believeyou have
our attention! This inane app allows you to experience thethrill of
limitless staplers, and boy does it deliver! Just listen tothose
authentic sound effects! Earn new staplers and treat yourselfwith an
upgrade! Then go to and see how many timesyou've
pretended you were stapling things. Because if you're anythinglike loads
of other people on the internet, it's probably going to bean
astronomical amount. Milton would be proud. He's got to havesomething,
doesn't he? It's not like he had his own office anymore.