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Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove! Review

Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove! is the latest in Big Fish Games hit hidden-object series. In this return to the Dire Grove, players must uncover the mysteries surrounding the Mistwalkers and the Hunters by finding objects hidden in 15 different locations.

The Good

This game has the hallmark of quality that the previous Big Fish Games Mystery Case File games have carried. The backgrounds are well-done and varied and the objectives not only are to find hidden items, but to complete mini-games and puzzles in the process which are quite challenging and keep your attention.

The Bad

The plot is very ham-fisted, although it has almost no bearing on the actual game play. Big Fish Games, while releasing a quality game, hasn't done much to expand the Mystery Case File formula in its eleven installments so don't expect anything revolutionary to set this one apart from the previous games. The price too is a bit steep at $4.99, and while it is nice to not be inconvenienced by the nagging reminders to buy premium currency that many free-to-play hidden object games are guilty of, there are far better games for iOS at that price point.

The Verdict

While the game does play well, the lack of innovation or replay value really killed the rating for me. Big Fish Games is a great studio and it would be nice to see them pool their talent to do something really special with this series instead of rehashing the same old formula. If you're just crazy about hidden-object games though, you can't do better than this.