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God of Light iPhone Review

Physics puzzle games have become a big hit on mobile devices. Light manipulation is a very intriguing subject and God of Light needs your help to light up the galaxy and save it from the darkness.

The Good

God of Light is a physics puzzle game in which you control a light source and you need to bounce the light of mirrors to light up the map and collect the three life crystals on every stage. Your score is based on how long it took you to figure out the puzzle and if you collected all the crystals. Visually, the game is very pretty. The lighting effects of the game are very unique and every level begins in darkness. Once you start using the light source to light up the map you begin to reveal the ins and outs of it and you need to think of the best way to use the mirrors to find the crystals. The music also helps immerse you in the experience. There are a lot of puzzles for you to play and the game keeps track of your scores so you can share them with your friends.

The Bad

The games touch controls are a bit imprecise and a little over sensitive. In a game in which you are manipulating light with mirrors, precision is a key factor. In the early levels it isn't that big of a problem, but as you progress and need to be a little more exact it can be an annoyance and cost you a lot of time. You need to tap on the different mirrors to take control of it. When you take your finger off the screen to try to tap a different mirror, sometimes the light moves and then you need to try to reposition it and tap the next mirror, which can cost you valuable time. Many of the puzzles are a little too easy as well and the only difficult part it positioning the mirrors because of the controls.

The Verdict

God of Light doesn't shine bright enough to break away from other established puzzle games. The game has an interesting concept, but its imprecise controls and lack of challenging puzzles hold it back from being great.