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Sol Invictus is set to hit iOS and Android early next year

Sol Invictus is the sequel to Silver Award-winning gory gamebook Heavy Metal Thunder.
It picks up after the events of the first story, and sees you planning a guerilla war against an alien race that's oppressing and slaughtering humans at every turn.
Sol Invictus, the sequel to grim gamebook Heavy Metal Thunder, is set to hit iOS and Android early next year
The game features a whole new soundtrack, a rich and branching story, and three save slots so you can make multiple choices and find out what happens at every turn.
The first game was a grim and gritty adventure that dropped weighty choices on you at every turn. This is a universe dripping in blood and grey morality, where madness and suffocation are only ever a heartbeat away.
There and maybe back again
Sol Invictus is set to hit the App Store and the Google Play Store on January 8th.
So that's something to look forward to when the madness of Christmas has faded into a gin-soaked memory.
You can check out some screenshots of the game in the gallery at the top of the page, and we'll give you a stern reminder next year when the game is set to hit.