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Kiwanuka Out on the Google Play Store Now!

Were you born in the 1980s? Did you grow up in the 90s playing old-school computer games? If your answer is "YES" to both questions, then you must be familiar with Lemmings! It's a simple game that requires you to get some guys from one end to the other. The process however makes for a brilliant puzzle/strategy game as you have to construct ladders and bridges, create a pathway via bombs, dig underground, etc. Each lemming has a role to play and you get points based on how many of those guys reach the end.
Anyway, Kiwanuka is a game that draws significant inspiration from Lemmings and it is out now on the Google Play Store. According to reviews of its iOS counterpart, the game is plenty fun, challenging and more than satisfies the need of Lemmings fans.
However, Kiwanuka does things a bit differently. In this game, instead of using the Lemming's abilities, you use magical powers to build bridges and ladders, and edging them on to a portal by pushing them over gaps and swinging them from platform to platform. Honestly, many games have tried to revive the Lemmings formula, but not many have come close. So, I'm really excited to be nostalgic over the 90s again.
If you are as interested as me, you can buy this game here at the Google Play Store. That's what I will be doing for the rest of the week anyway. Ta!