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100 Balls+ Tips and Tricks

100 Balls+ is a really addictive game. If you have not heard about it, you must not have been looking at the Top Free Games chart on the Google Play Store, or you are living under a metaphorical technological rock.

If you've been a good boy/girl and started playing the game, these guide will hopefully help you get a better score and make every playthrough more enjoyable.
2 Balls 1 Cup
As you play past the hour mark, I'm sure you would have realized that it is not always best to try to cram as many balls as possible into each cup. In the end, you could be left with no balls to fill all the cups, and we definitely don't want that to happen early in the game! Try to divide the balls evenly between each cup. To make it easier on you, let's put the benchmark at 5 balls per cup.
You do not get deducted points for unused balls, so it's okay to go slow and steady. Try not to dump so many balls out that you lose some of them. Recognize that you can only fit so many balls into a cup before it starts to drop out. And this gets more apparent the faster the cups go by.
Ballsy moves
As the level increases, the cups move faster and faster. Pay attention to the increase in speed and adjust your ball-release to adapt. One of the most interesting tips that I've read about this game is to use the bottom right corner of the rotation as a checkpoint to observe how fast the cups are moving. At higher speeds, you can probably start dropping balls when the cup is at that checkpoint.
Greedy freebie
As stated earlier, don't be greedy and try to put too many balls into one cup. In addition to that, you probably realize that at later levels, there might be too many cups for you to handle the given speed. You might find that sacrificing a cup or two might make it easier to manage. Play smart! Don't try to be a hero and keep all your cups.
You probably also have to sacrifice cups if you have lost too many balls. However, be aware of which cups you want to sacrifice. It should be obvious that you want to keep the coloured ones and sacrifice the whites.
Never give up, never surrender!
If you find yourself in the bottom of the ninth inning (hey, a baseball metaphor!), do NOT give up! You can still go on and on for many levels with just one cup and one ball. Trust me, the satisfaction of making it to level 30 on your last dying breath (in this case, your last ball), is awesome. That last cup and ball could give you the edge you need to beat your friend's score!
Many of these are common sense, but some might make you go "Hey, why didn't I think of that before". It's easy to forget the most basic principles when dealing with a time-pressure situation like one that is presented by 100 Balls+. Hopefully, something in this guide would have sparked that metaphorical light bulb over your head. If it did, I consider this guide a success.