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Geometry Dash Cheats And Tips

Fans of the incredibly hard (yet insanely addictive) The Impossible Game will find plenty to enjoy with Robert Topala's Geometry Dash. In this game, you'll play between two different segments - platforming and flying a jetpack around in a limited area - as you try to progress as far in the stage as you can. Do well enough and you'll be able to move on to the next area.
Don't let the game's difficulty make you feel square, though. We've got some tips that will keep you moving right along!

How do I play Geometry Dash?

The first half of each stage will introduce you to a square that can jump along as it moves down a path. The main goal here is to avoid spikes that can put an end to your run. Otherwise, you'll start over at the very beginning (in regular mode) and have to memorize the part where you died to get past it.
When it comes to platforms that appear consecutively, your best bet is to hold your finger down on the touch-screen so your cube continuously jumps. As a result, you'll be able to clear these sections fine - but don't forget to raise your finger when you see spikes. The last thing you want to do is land on one.
Really, it's a matter of seeing what obstacles are ahead and reacting quickly. Don't get frustrated if you bite the dust - just try again.
In addition, keep an eye out for booster pads, such as sparkles that give you an extra bounce above ground, as well as springers that can launch your cube high into the air. These will definitely help you out.

How do the rocket segments work in Geometry Dash?

After doing some platforming, you'll dash through a portal and climb onto a rocket, and then need to fly past obstacles by holding down on the touch screen to thrust upward, then releasing to fly back down. The beginning stage gives you an idea of how avoiding objects works, but later stages will definitely put you to the test. Try to stay somewhere in the middle of the screen at first, then move around when you start seeing walls get in your way.
The controls are floaty, but you're riding a rocket. Just get used to the physics and you'll master this part of each stage in no time.

What if I'm stuck in Geometry Dash?

You're in luck. The game comes with a Practice Mode that lets you return to a more immediate checkpoint after you die, instead of having to start all the way at the beginning.
While this is a helpful tool when it comes to memorizing the stage, the checkpoints can be suddenly placed, and if you're not careful, you could end up dying again. Try jumping quickly after you regenerate so you keep going - unless you see spikes above. Then just glide underneath and continue on your merry little way.
Practice mode doesn't cost anything. Give it a shot!

Do I need to pay for anything in Geometry Dash?

The $1.99 version of the game comes with everything included, such as extra characters, a level editor and additional soundtrack tunes. There is a very good Free version that you can download, and while most of these features are stripped, you can still play through quite a few stages and enjoy yourself. Check it out before making the jump for the full version.
Download Geometry Dash: iPhone and iPad | Android