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Skullduggery Tips and Tricks

The world of Skullduggery is a unique one, combining simple controls with an interesting premise.

As you collect artifacts and items across several levels with pipes and other divergent pathways you'll realize this game is quite unlike any you've played before. With our tips and tricks you'll be an expert at slinging skulls in no time!

Become an expert at aiming your skull.

Your skull has no way of moving without your aiming it and pushing it forward, so become acquainted with the best ways to get it moving forward. When you pull back to aim and slingshot the skull forward, keep in mind that time slows down, but the skull will still move while you're aiming. This makes it easy for you to gain momentum and get around difficult areas if you're having problems.

Forgo coins for speed if the level calls for it.

You don't need the coins as much as you do speed and momentum, so aim for springs and some of the skeleton hands poking up through the ground and maneuver your way around as quickly as possible. You can always come back to get them later when not attempting to clear a level, so always opt for the most efficient way to get through a level when you can.

Outsmart those who want to chase you.

If you're stuck on a chase scene and you're faced with larger hills and frustrating corners, aim above them so Bonesy sails over them and has no obstructions in front of him. Don't worry about treasure chests or traps and simply go on your way, because as soon as you're touched by your pursuer, it's game over and you'll have to go through it all again.

Take your time and investigate.

Outside of chase sequences and other "timed" segments, you should go at your own pace and seek out the treasure chests and other items so that you can both satisfy mission requirements and stock up on coins.

Use both hands to control your skull.

Technically you can get away with using one finger to navigate, but using both ensures you're always in control in case something unexpected happens and you're going to have to get away quickly or turn a corner on a dime.