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Pako – Car Chase Simulator Tips & Tricks

After playing Pako for a little while, I noticed it was incredibly difficult to be honest. It was so frustrating to crash and having to start over, all the time. That is why I stepped my focus up a notch and decided to try out as much as possible in the game, to find the best way to get a better score. So here it is: Pako – Car Chase Simulator Tips & Tricks!
Avoid other driving cars in the maps. They are only going to make it harder for you. Driving in more open areas is the key to a great score.They give you the chance to drive freely without obstacles getting in the way.
Dodge incoming police cars. When they are headed straight for you, and you are headed straight towards them, steer away as fast as possible. Your car is fast, which means you have to have your reactions ready at all times. And react quick! Or else you will just crash and have to restart. 
Tap both the L (left) and R (right) buttons rapidly when you are driving, escpecially with the car in the map “Surburbia”. The car drives so fast making it hard to have control over where you are driving. When holding down each consecutively for around 1-1,5 seconds, the car will drift a little bit, causing the car to lose speed.
In Mall, there is a couple of things you can do. Mall is the first level in the game. It is arguably the easiest map in the game. The car in this map is relatively great at everything. It drives fast and has great handling. These two are the only things you have to worry about. When you start in Mall, you will start next to a huge “Mall” sign. Try driving around it as much as you can, dodging incoming police cars. This is where you can stack up a lot of seconds, however, the police cars will also stack up here. They will crash and stand still when they do, creating a cluster of blocks around this area eventually. When this happens, drive away from the are as quickly as possible.
In Cemetery, hit as many of the zombies as you can. Each zombie you hit, will give you an extra second. However, do not chase them or try to hit them as your main goal. Let them come to you. Try to avoid driving to the upper west side of the map, because there is a road there where you can’t turn. The car is way too long and has bad handling.
In highway, you have two options. Drive on the right or the wrong side of the road. In my opinion, it’s easier if you are on the right side. However, when the cops come driving towards you and you are on the right side, chances are they will crash into you, since there is no space for you to drive. This map is probably the most difficult and stupid in the game.
In Square, Tree Men Games added tanks in the game. They are at each corner of the game. Stay off the highway, as this tends to be more difficult. The rickshaw has great handling so drive as long as you can in the center. When you meet these tanks, try driving in half circles, so their shots can’t hit you.
Thats it! These are my only tips and tricks for you to use. Hope they help you get a great highscore.