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OMG: TD! iPhone Review

If you're a fan of tower defense games - where you try to defend a point on a map by calling on several heroes and structures to keep you safe - chances are you'll enjoy OMG:TD!, also known as Oh My Gods!: Tower Defense. In it, you'll call upon various heroes and Gods to defend a point on your map, while barrages of enemies come at you. Along the way, you'll be able to upgrade characters, as well as unlock entirely new ones.

The Good
This tower defense game is a real charmer, with a lot of gameplay tactics available to help defeat enemies, including sheep bombs, lightning stations, and character abilities. The presentation is also quite good, with cute animations for a variety of enemies. Finally, the game provides ample rewards for your hard-fought battles, so you'll never feel like you're being cheaply shut out of each fight. You'll always have plenty of resources to play with - even if you don't put down a cent.
The Bad
Although the free-to-play formula is mostly fair, you'll burn through the game's energy meter eventually, which means you'll either need to wait for it to refill or pay some money to continue. Also, since this is a tower defense game, it's very repetitive and gives you very little control over your warriors
The Verdict
Despite its repetitive nature and free-to-play purchase system, OMG: TD! Is nevertheless a great addition to the genre, and a fun time-waster to boot. It sure beats going to a second-rate toga party.