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Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga iPad Review

When it came out for consoles a couple of years ago, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga easily became one of Travellers' Tales best games, a joyous romp through all six films in the franchise. Now the game has arrived on mobile, although its pay-to-play structure leaves something to be desired.

The Good
This game made a mostly flawless transition to iOS devices presentation wise. The graphics and music are almost exactly like the console version, and includes plenty of fun touches that players will love - particularly beating Lego Jar Jar senseless. In addition, the virtual joystick option is quite responsive, making it easy to move around and take out enemies. Finally, Episode I comes free-of-charge, providing a couple hours' worth of gameplay.
The Bad
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga isn't really a "free" game. You'll need to pay $2.99 for each episode, as well as extra money if you wish to unlock certain characters. We would've preferred a higher price with everything available right away. On top of that, the touch-based control scheme is mostly useless because it's so inaccurate. You'll tap an enemy to attack and swing in another direction. Stick with the virtual joystick set-up. Finally, the game lacks any sort of multiplayer, meaning you're on your own.
The Verdict
Even with its questionable payment structure and lacking touch controls, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a fun space romp that kids and die-hard fans will enjoy. Better yet, it costs you nothing to try. Check it out, you should.