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Flappy Bird Tips And Tricks- How To Improve Your Score

Despite releasing in 2013 to little fan faire, Flappy Bird suddenly grabbed the top spot on the iOS free games store and shows no sign of letting go. The viral phenomenon features simple-to-grasp controls and insanely difficult gameplay, which probably explains the appeal. Something this basic shouldn't be this mind-numbingly tough.
Most people proudly display their Flappy Bird scores on social media, and the majority of these numbers sit in the 15-40 range. Thankfully, there's big room for improvement. It wasn't long ago when we barely cracked 20. Now we have a high score of 134.
That said, here's how we boosted our Flappy Bird score without using a hack.

Play Flappy Bird on the iPad or Android tablet

Although it's possible to achieve an impressive score on a smartphone, your thumb is bound to get in the way. Switch to the iPad or an Android tablet and benefit from a much larger screen that gives you a chance to tap wherever you want while getting a better view of the action.

Use short and measured taps

Quick taps give you the chance to get into a rhythm while at the same time avoiding those dreaded green pipes. Ideally, you should only tap once between pipes.

Check those corners

Tapping too soon will definitely result in Flappy Bird hitting a pipe's corner, spelling certain doom. Make sure your taps give you enough space to clear a pipe completely.

Pick your blinking times carefully

The less you blink in Flappy Bird, the better off you'll be. Make sure you blink plenty of times before starting a round, and go with quick blinks between pipes to keep your eyes moistened yet firmly positioned on the screen.

Avoid distractions

Multi-tasking is almost impossible while playing Flappy Bird. Even talking to someone may result in failure. Drown out the family pet, your significant other and the TV, then enter the Flappy Bird zone; playing on an airplane or bus is not a great idea.

Take frequent breaks

Flappy Bird will wreck havoc on your nerves and patience. People don't rage quit. They rage delete the game from their phones and tablets. That's why it's a great idea to put the game down and do something else. Go outside, get something to eat or meditate. It'll be there when you get back.

Don't get discouraged

Easier said than done, right? Let's say you have a high score of 100 and the next try you die at 99. That's a huge downer, but you have to shrug it off and restart. Accept that you'll fail playing Flappy Bird more than you'll succeed, but relish the occasional victory. The higher your score, the more impressed and bewildered other players will be.

Compete with friends

We would have never scored 134 without friendly competition. After someone posted a 125-point score on Facebook, we became determined to beat him, and it happened shortly thereafter. Sometimes a little motivation is all you need.