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X Fighter: Tips and Tricks

Argh!! I bet you often say that a lot when its game over from playing X Fighter. Even with the best high-tech weapons at your disposal, and even with quick as lightning reflexes still cant be enough. Well thankfully I have some tips and tricks to help you gamers out, so put down your Android device and read on fellow gamers.
  1. Stick and Move – okay so this strategy may apply in boxing, but it can apply here too. But remember this shoot the enemies you can shoot down, and if you don't manage to shoot them down, just wait because they just come back until their shot down.
  2. Shoot to score….cash - sometimes I wish life can be like that, if you are short on cash then shoot something for cash. But in this game you can just shoot the enemy, and yes you will be awarded cash for your troubles.
  3. Upgrade - you think that those high-tech weapons that are sitting at the store are just for decorations? Of course not they are there for you to buy and use on the enemy.
  4. Repeat – if you are low on cash, and need a new weapon because the higher levels are getting harder, well you will be happy to know that you can replay levels that you have already beaten.
  5. Trusty 'ole Laser Cannon- Now I don't know why this only works with the laser cannon, but it does. So if you have the money to purchase the Laser Cannon early on in the game do, because the laser cannon will fire continuously, you will find out that your cash earnings will be doubled. So if they is a weapon that you want or if you want to get 'nuke bombs' or the shield powers up but don't have enough money to do so, then get the laser cannon.