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The Room Review

In light of The Room 2 releasing some time in the very near future, imagine my surprise when I noticed that there is no mention of the first game on this website! Not a review, not a guide, nada! The Room was an amazing puzzle game and definitely worth a review. If you have not played it, I absolutely recomend it. Here's why.
You are stuck in a dark room with no way out and nothing around you except for a box, a weird looking box. On the box you notice some weird carvings and what looks like maybe a keyhole, oh wait, no, there are like 10 keyholes. You know you have to do something about it. You not only have the desire to get out from this dingy dark place, but your curiousity also encourages you to explore this weird looking puzzle box and find out what is lurking inside.
As this is the only thing you see, you have no choice but to poke and prod every inch of the box. And what you find is an amazing accomplishment by Fireproof games in making one of the most elaborate puzzle boxes of all time. The best thing about The Room is the way in which you discover these clues and hints. As you open one keyhole or uncover a secret compartment, it links to another secret clue or puzzle that you have to figure out to open the next.
It is this viscious cycle of confusion and a sense of achievement every time you solve a puzzle that draws you in and keep you playing on and on until the wee hours of the morning. Moreover, the music in the background does a good job of conveying a sense of eerieness and an air of mystery.
As you peel this box open layer by layer and get closer and closer to the end, you find yourself deeply rooted in the game. You really want to know what is inside and what is outside this room, but at the same time, you kinda don't want the puzzles to end. After all, that has been the sole purpose of this game from the minute you load up the game.
I don't want to spoil the ending for you. Like I said earlier, the light at the end of the tunnel will be a happy one, but at the same time, you will feel a tinge of sadness over what's left behind. The Room is an amazing puzzle game and you will be remiss if you don't pick this game up. It's a work of art, ladies and gentlemen, you must try it at least once in your life.