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Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions Level 11-20

Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 11
Question: Whose presence causes the legless Cousin to crawl out of his hospital bed?
Answer: Walter
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 12
Question: How many individual restaurants does Gus own?
Answer: 14
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 13
Question: What is Walter White's middle name?
Answer: Hartwell
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 14
Question: What is Badger's real name?
Answer: Salamanca
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 15
Question: Jesse takes the rap for his little brother when what is found in his parents' house?
Answer: Marijuana
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 16
Question: Gus's meth super lab is hidden underneath what business?
Answer: Industrial laundry
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 17
Question: What is Walt's initial response when Jesse informs him that Combo is dead?
Answer: “Which one is he?”
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 18
Question: What does Walt do with part of a magazine while in the waiting room waiting for Hank to recover?
Answer: Fix a wobbly table
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 19
Question: What is Gale's last name?
Answer: Boetticher
Tidbit Trivia - Breaking Bad Edition Cheats, Answers & Solutions: Level 20
Question: Who drops by Jesse's house to chat while Jesse's in the midst of dragging Krazy-8's body in the driveway?
Answer: Skyler