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Doodle Fit 2: Around The World Cheats And Tips

 Doodle Fit 2: Around the World is a wonderful little puzzle game, combining the best elements of Tetris with jigsaw puzzles of old, but with a touchscreen twist.

If you get stuck, don't worry. We're here to help with puzzle-solving tips.


-Don't be so quick to use all your available hints in one shot. Using them too quickly will result in you needing to purchase more. Instead, use one general hint at first - showing you where the first piece would go in the puzzle - and try to build a solution around it. You'd be surprised how quickly a puzzle comes together with the right piece in place.

-The game offers the opportunity to download additional levels for $2.99. Before you do this, visit the Community Page. Puzzles are free-of-charge, and their difficulty varies, ranging from easy to hard. Don't be afraid to experiment - the more you play, the better you become.

-On some puzzles, you'll see where pieces obviously fit depending on their shape. The single square pegs, for instance, slide into the square-based holes. Try them out and see how they fare with the overall puzzle. Remember, you can always start over if you make a mistake.

- By putting together your own puzzle and submitting it to the community page, you'll get a better hang of how the game works, and perhaps even go on to create more intricate designs. It's free, and the worst you can get are some bad ratings from the community - though this could motivate you to keep trying. Remember, every good artist gets started somewhere.

-Before you begin solving a puzzle, examine the available pieces. You might be able to piece together the solution before you get started. For instance, with taller puzzles, longer vertical or horizontal pieces will do the trick. You're not penalized for taking too much time, so look around and see what's there.

Download Doodle Fit 2: Around the World: iOS|Android