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Humble Mobile Bundle 2 lets you decide how much to pay!

It doesn't get cheaper than this!
Of course downloading these games illegally is "cheaper" but legally this is the cheapest it gets. Humble Bundle have had a ton of bundles before and every bundle is a success. You pay for 4 or more games for a price you decide or you can pay for over the average price and get even more awesome games!
The games featured this week are all android only games. These are Star Command, Time Surfer, Punch Quest, Bloons TD 5, Ravensword: Shadowland and Carmageddon. They also added Karateka Classic, QWOP and God of Blades. If you pay more than the average you can also get selected soundtracks.
Not only can you choose your own price, you can also decide how much of the money you pay will go to the developers, the charity and the Humble Bundle team.