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Platform Panic iPhone Review

Platform titles became all the rage after the success of Super Mario Bros. Many game designers tried their hand at the genre trying to create the next great platform title. The late 80s and most of the 90s became the golden age for platformers, housing numerous successes. Platform Panic takes wants to take us back to that golden age.

The Good

Platform Panic is a simple and easy to play platform title. You navigate your character through this endless building, filled with traps and killer robots. The only controls you need to know is that you swipe left or right to move in that direction and swipe up to jump, so its very simple to play. The game can be quite a challenge because there may be multiple traps in a room. Some rooms are pretty simple where you just jump over a bed of spikes and then exit, but other rooms might have you jump over a robot that is coming after you, while avoid gunfire, and jumping over a bed of spikes. The rooms are constantly randomized, so you will never have the same run through twice. Your goal is to try to get through as many rooms as possible, there is no end to this labyrinth that your character has been put it. A secondary goal of the game is to collect coins that are scattered about in every room. These coins let you unlock different character skins. The character differences do not affect gameplay, but it is a nice add-on. The game looks like it was take straight from the SNES era, both graphically and sound wise, which gives it a cool retro feel.

The Bad

In Platform Panic, your character is constantly moving, whether you swipe or not. This constant movement can make the game a little difficult because it doesn't give you a lot of time to assess the traps in the room and you might not have enough time to react to a trap right in front of you.

The Verdict

Platform Panic is a very fun and addictive platformer. The game is a free to play title. You definitely will get a great amount of playtime out of it and you will not be plagued with freemium costs like most other free titles out there.