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Miner Problem Cheats And Tips

Miner Problem falls short of reaching Jetpack Joyride's heights, but time spent here won't cost you any money, and the power-ups go a long way to helping you hoover up a decent collection of coins. On that note, here are some tips that'll help you through the game.
How do I find power-ups and events in Miner Problem?
Events, which are actually power-ups (that's a bit confusing), are littered throughout each stage. You'll see them flashing on the play field, and you just need to run through these items in order to collect them. Further down the page we've broken down how each one of these works. You can also purchase these before the start of each stage, if you want a specific one to drop more often.
As for power-ups - which are just enhancements to your character's performance - these can be purchased before each round, using either coins or gems. We broke those down below as well. Be aware that both power-ups and events are temporary, although you can pick up batteries and energy juice to keep the events going.
Do I need to pay for additional coins in Miner Problem?
Not really. Although the game gives you the option of buying packs of coins, you'll have no problem collecting enough to make use of the featured Power-Ups. Save your money and ust keep collecting. It'll take a little time, but the running is enjoyable enough that it won't leave you feeling impatient. There is an option to earn free coins by watching videos too, so take advantage of that if necessary. Finished a run prematurely? Save your coins and simply start again, rather than spending them on the "resurrection" option.
Can you level up power-ups and events in Miner Problem?
Yes, you can spend money on power-ups to increase their strength for each run. However, you probably won't notice too much of a difference when you first begin leveling them up. Once you reach maximum capacity though - which will take quite a large number of coins - you'll see how they affect the game more clearly.
Events, on the other hand, don't change. However, you can spend money to make your favorite ones pop up more often during your run. The higher the level, the more often it'll appear.
What power-ups are available in Miner Problem?
There are six in all - Mega Jump (which gives you increased jumping capability), Double Jump (which lets you jump in mid-air a second time), Coin Magnet (which automatically draws coins towards your character), Coin Boost (which increases the number of coins you can collect on your run), Power Boost (which gives you a head start on your run),and Shield (which protects you from enemies for one hit or more). Try each of these out yourself and see which ones work right for you. Personally, we're fans of the Coin Magnet.
How does the Jetpack event work in Miner Problem?
Once activated, you jump in the air and hold down the lower right corner of the screen to fly. Let go when you want to come back down to Earth.
Word of advice - don't fly too high. If you crash into the ceiling, it's game over. Use this booster to reach diamonds that are midway in the sky.
How does the Skate event work in Miner Problem?
You ride a Back to the Future-esque hoverboard, and hold down the right corner of the screen to get over large gaps. It's pretty simple - and actually kind of weak compared to the jetpack.
How does the Power event work in Miner Problem?
You don a football uniform, and by pressing the right corner of the screen, you can launch yourself over gaps or through obstacles for a limited time. Be careful - you might head for an enemy and accidentally launch yourself into a waiting platform. Ouch!
How does the Gunner event work in Miner Problem?
You pick up a gun and shoot enemies by tapping the lower right corner of the screen. This is one of the weaker Power-Ups in the game, namely because the gun is so weak. Plus, you only have so many bullets.
How does the Gravity event work in Miner Problem?
Once you have an energy shield around you, tap the screen to flip around and run upside down. You'll need to do this, as the platforms shift to the ceiling anyway. Don't miss a single jump!
How does the Laser event work in Miner Problem?
Use this to fire a powerful laser beam that'll get you high above the ground and destroy enemies that appear beneath you. This is a really fun power-up, although it does leave you vulnerable from above.
How does the Robot event work in Miner Problem?
This is the best of the bunch, a stomping robot that gives you invincibility for a little while it shoots lasers above and ahead of it. It only lasts for so long, though, so it's worth leveling up this event first.