Like other games before it, such as Construction X, and Where’s my Mickey. World of Goo is a “physics based” puzzle game. Instead of building steel beams, or trying to build a path for water to go down a drain, you are trying to build structures by stretching out sentient goo-beings or “goo balls” as they are called in the game, so that the other goo balls can travel to the nearest exit which is a pipe that will suck up the goo. When you are building structures they can be affected by gravity such as the weight of the goo balls, and also the environment take effect here to such as the wind, and objects. So since there is physics involved, the simple law of physics do apply here, now take for instance thicker lines means the connection between two points will be strong, and thinner lines a not so strong connection.
The first few levels of the game sort of act more like tutorial, so that you can get a basic understanding of fundamentals of the game which I found clever in way more like a “learning along the way” curve. Now of course as you progress further into the game, the other levels they do get a bit more challenging, now for example there will be a level where you have an arrow that points upward indicating that the exit is at the top of the room, it may seem like an impossible feat, but after a few re-try’s you will easily learn from your mistakes and you’ll manage to learn how to successfully pass the level, it’s a matter of trial and error. Another example of a level is a door opens with just sky above you and no sign of the exit pipe.
World of Goo has some of the best gameplay, easy and simple. And the level design of this game is just simple, yet incredible to look at. The even though that it is just a simple puzzle game, there is a story; yes this game has a story, which is told through the level designs, and also through the” Sign Painter”. Now not only does it give a bit of story, but it also gives hints on what you must do to solve a level.
The graphics in this game are just rich in detail and in color, everything moves so well it is so smooth and is so fluid, and if this wasn’t a game I swear this is like watching a “Pixar” movie such as Toy Story. And the music in World of Goo is great it has some upbeat, catchy tunes that just stick in your head just like those classic NES games such as; Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda or even Contra. Even as I do this review I have a tune from the game that is still stuck in my head.
There are so many levels for you to play through and keep you amused for a while, and there are different routes for you to take in different chapters, but that’s if you want to avoid the trickier levels. But my advice is; play them all its fun and rewarding, it is true that some of the levels are a challenging but like I mentioned before it’s a matter of trial and error. And the cool thing is there is a nice online level where you can compete with other players from around the world, and the objective is to build the highest goo tower that you can build by using the goo balls that you have won in the main levels and rival players towers are represented by clouds showing their height, it may not seem much to offer but that’s where you are wrong, playing it is actually a lot of fun.
Overall World of Goo is a great game to have on your Android device, and it is one of the best games that you’ll ever play. The graphics look amazing, the levels are engaging and innovating, and the tunes are just unforgettable. If you haven’t played this game yet, do yourself a favor, give this great game a chance and play it, you will not regret it. World of Goo is $2.99 at the Google play store, it may be an oldie but this game is a goodie.